Check Name

Check First Names, Surnames, Coats of Arms, Crests, Clans, Septs

To find your choice of name, you can either use the search box above, the website search (magnifying glass) or browse through the listing of names from the pages listed below. The name you search for should appear highlighted on the results pages. The search may also find partial spellings of names.

Although our database contains more than a million first names, surnames, coats of arms, crests, sept, etc., from around the world, there are bound to be some that are not in the database. Therefore, we recommend that you check our database of names for availability before ordering.

Also, keep in mind that many names exist in a large range of spelling variants, so you might want to check these too, if required. Feel free to contact us for a prompt reply if you would like us to check a name or variant. If a name does not appear in the search or listing, we should be able to obtain this for you at no extra cost.

For coats of arms products that include both the surname text and coat of arms image, you should check for both the surname and the coat of arms as they are separate in our database and both are included on the same history scroll.

Please see below for important information regarding non-British/Irish name histories and coats of arms or name history text in a language other than English.

We have recently added thousands of extra European coats of arms, including English, Irish, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Danish, Norwegian and Italian, including Scottish Clans and Irish Septs.

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If you would like to browse or search for a name from the web pages below, the file sizes for each page are displayed as some are quite large. With a fast connection they should load within a few seconds. You can then use your web browser’s built-in search facility to search for your chosen name on the relevant page.

Important Information Regarding Non-British/Irish Name Histories and Coats of Arms

We have many first name and last name (surname) histories and coats of arms in our database that are non-British in origin. If you order from us a non-British name history that we have in our database, or are able to research or obtain for you, the text will be written in English only.

Also, if ordering from us a non-British coat of arms (i.e. French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian) then any accompanying name history text will be in English only unless stated otherwise.

However, if you would rather the name history text be in your own native language, please specify this in the comments box when ordering. We can email the text to you in English which you are then free to translate into your preferred language*. This should then be emailed back to us for use on your name history scroll. Please note, that in this instance we will not be liable for any spelling or grammatical errors in the text.

* Available for most products, but not all. Please check with us first.

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Listing of First Names, Surnames, and Coats of Arms

Please note that some of the pages below are quite large, showing several thousand names and may be unsuitable for use over a metered mobile connection.

First Names


Coats of Arms (General)

European Coats of Arms